Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Indian Summer Gift

As our doors to the garden are wide open
The washing on the line being buffeted in the breeze
and the dogs tanning their bellies

I give you a 20% discount code
Please use SUNNY20 on checkout in either my Etsy shop or the Two Little Flowers shop.  This discount will last until 2 October

You can say thanks to the lovely Indian summer we are having here in the UK for the present

Now, all I need to make my day perfect, is for Chloe to sleep!  Ava is at nursery, so I should be getting *things* done....not so, what with a wide awake 4 month old....

PS - If you prefer purchasing from Etsy and don't see what you are looking for, or need
 more of a particular item, please message me and I will add what you are looking for to the shop.

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